photo: Noordhoek, Capetown, South Africa
"My continuing passion is to part a curtain, that invisible shadow that falls between people, the veil of indifference to each other's presence, each other's wonder, each other's human plight." -Eudora Welty
Such a brilliant quote by American author Eudora Welty. The veil of indifference to each other’s presence, wonder, and plight.
I would also add the veil of indifference is interior, separating us from ourselves, body, and soul. Our concept of God becomes “exterior” or removed from us.
When we have a transformation that shows us that we are not separated from each other, or God, “All things become pure God to you, for in all things you see nothing but God." -Meister Eckhart
May we continue to part the veil that keeps us separated.
c. 1260 – c. 1328) was a German Catholic theologian, and philosopher.